The 'Koppening' explained

Old Endless Breath phase 5
The original Endless Breath was deleted as a result of the Endless Breath controversy, nicknamed the 'Koppening'.

On December 28th, 2020, all official material relevant to the original version of Robr0 Gaming's Endless Breath was taken down, only a few short days after the trailer to its awaited second part was released. The event confused many and annoyed many more, causing people to reupload versions of it. Shortly after, a remastered version was announced, which is today's Endless Breath. Characteristics of the old EB included the implication of more than eight Sans phases, an "overdrive" cracked state Sans enters at the end of phase five, and the use of the original songs from which the modern EB phases are derived. Many people also considered the quality of its sprites very good.

And that's because it was stolen.

The spriter for Endless Breath at the time was Garvolk. Now... Garvolk wasn't the most honest person. They decided to trace sprites by Educraft to make the Sans sprite without permission or credit, and additional sprites for the logo of Endless Breath. This resulted in a new logo being created for each of the three Endless Breath videos (the second of which, unfortunately, has not been archived). But since Educraft wasn't a very well-known member of the community, it took a while for the main Sans sprite to be called out. And when it was, Robr0 decided to get a new spriter - Koplopbop the Catsikune - who accused Robr0 of tracing due to having uploaded stolen sprites when his channel was still small. Garvolk, upon learning this, decided to side with Kop in the argument, which resulted in many of Robr0's most popular videos being deleted, including Endless Breath. This has been dubbed the "Koppening" by several community members.

Now, was this a bad thing? My answer is no. If none of this happened, the Last Breath community would have remained dominated by Endless Breath. But given that the Last Breath extension era was only about a few months old, this allowed other AUs room to shine for themselves, giving rise to what is essentially the modern era of Last Breath. When Endless Breath v2 was finally uploaded, it was just one AU among many.

And that's honestly how it should be.
