Old Endless Breath was not the beginning of Endless Breath.

Endless Breath fan logo by Koplopbop the Catsikune

It was originally called "Endless Last Breath", and had 17 phases like Old EB did and Asphyxiation and ITTR do. A little bird told me about a leaked sprite sheet (that I will not be sharing here due to bearing a striking resemblance to Garvolk's traced sprites) showing Fanon Last Breath, which is likely Endless Last Breath, Robr0's claimed original version of Endless Breath. It features designs for phases 6, 7, and 8 that were much more compliant with the original Fanon designs of The [Fix-it Felix], Cryptic Pandemonium, and His [Laboratory]. Its phases follow out of a Phase 10 styled like The Blood Will Never Stop. Phase 12 is based on The Fight Continue, and the top of his head begins to deteriorate. Phases 13, 14, 15, and 16 are just further deterioration, with continued slashes opening a giant hole in Sans' body, while phase 17 is derived from The Blood and Chaos.
