The Mr. Last Breath Storyline


Mr. Last Breath

The Soundcloud account "Mr. Last Breath" was created for the "Last Breath Inc." project, which was a Last Breath AU planned to have over 200 phases - the most of any AU at the time. Over time, about 50 phases were completed and made official.

On the 2nd of February, this was posted:

Hello to all Last Breath fans and partners. Today, I come before you to clear the air on certain details regarding the project. As many of you may have noticed, I have come forth as a Last Breath Inc. representative on multiple occasions to inform on specific guidelines, all regarding Last Breath-related content. We as a company hope this has not caused distress within the community, and hope that our audience understands that these regulations only exist to keep official Last Breath-related content clear and accurate to our direction with our product. Our vision is as clear as crystal, and we want our consumers to see it the same way. So with that being said, we will proceed to inform content creators to keep all content labelled with the Last Breath name in line with our vision. If you, as a content creator, do not wish to follow these regulations, you must relabel your content to remove any association with Last Breath Inc. and our product. If you do not wish to comply, you will face the consequences of law. We hope this announcement has been informative, and we thank you for your time.

On the 6th, it was followed up with the first phase of Undertale: First Breath. Voice lines from the song read:

I'm taking over the company. I'm making it my own. And you, I don't need you anymore. I'm the new Mr. Last Breath. And I will always be Mr. Last Breath. And good riddance.

The description of the song is:

- Zerjox...

- This company isn't yours anymore.

- It's time we let you go.

This appears to be from Mr. Last Breath to ZerJox, the creator of Last Breath. Though, given the specification of "the new Mr. Last Breath", perhaps this is Mr. Last Breath's evil twin, Mr. First Breath? Either way, they seem to be allied, as while LB Inc is claiming the name "Last Breath", the original Last Breath would retain its name, and as such, its creator - ZerJox, would face consequences of law, which is exactly what's seen in FB phase 1's title - Consequences of Law - and thumbnail (an Earthbound-style battle where ZerJox is fighting Mr. First Breath). Thus, Mr. First Breath is attempting to take over Last Breath from ZerJox.

On March 10th, another announcement was uploaded to the Mr. Last Breath channel.

Hello to all Last Breath fans and partners. We, as a company, sincerely apologize, for we have deceived you. We would disclose the true nature of our product, but we do not feel it is necessary anymore. The time to ask questions has passed. So before we move forward,, towards a new [Unclear], We thank you for your time, and contributions where possible.

On the same day, First Breath phase 2 (Malicious Prosecution) was uploaded, seeming to cement Mr. First Breath and Mr. Last Breath as being the same person or at least allies. There are no lyrics, but the description is: 

* I am the first and the last. I am the earlier and later.

* Take your last breath, Zerjox. I'm still taking my first.

A possible interpretation is that Mr. First Breath and Mr. Last Breath are the same person. 

On March 23rd, First Breath phase 3 - the final phase - was uploaded. "Case Closed".

It has lyrics:

Our last breath, it's your turn

These go hand-in-hand with Mr. First Breath's Soundcloud description, as well as Mr. Last Breath's: 

With our final breath taken, our run is over. It's your turn, old friend. 
With our last breath drawn, the torch dies out. 


Mr. Last Breath (and thus Mr. First Breath) were likely alts of a LB Inc contributor, most likely Aytanner or Kae.

Subsequently, Last Breath Inc. was cancelled and the playlist was removed from Mr. Last Breath's profile. Many of the original songs were also deleted. However, archivists have kept Last Breath Inc. alive, and eventually b_yoshi would create Last Breath Inc.: The Revival, with the aim of finishing the AU which was left abandoned in the wake of the First Breath events.

b_yoshi is much more deserving of the title "Mr. Last Breath". Not only because he's the leader of the Revival project, but because he's actually engaged with the AU and its community, instead of being some distanced corporate businessperson running an oblique social experiment or ARG.
