What are the Asphyxiation Phases?

Art by Robr0

 First of all, here's Spamton's information on phase 15 all together: 

[Error/No Effect/ it didn't work./I'm Lovin It.]

FIRST OFF ON THE AUCtiON, A [Brand New iPhone XV] ON [Clearence]

FEATURING AN [Undamageable Screen], SEVERAL [[Failed to Load Document]]

AND A FRESH, NEW [[Hyperlink Blocked]].

As you can see, we don't have much to go off of. While analyzing the document, I thought about the "Undamageable Screen". In conjunction with the "it didn't work./I'm Lovin It", this seems to imply an amalgamation similar to what's happened in previous phases. However, before this I had discussed an idea of using a fake restore point in my own AU, Last Breath 255, where Gaster would use an illusion to make it appear like Sans had been restored.
That is what I'm thinking that Phase 15 is. An illusion - a screen - that is undamageable, despite Sans being dead or otherwise unfunctional, like shown in phase 14. 

Onto phase 16, we have a bit more:


THE SECOND ITEM FOR [Buy Now!] IS A [Brilliant Diamond Shining] WITH [16 Karats]

THE [[Freshest Cut]] Since [[1997]]

IT COMES WITH [[A Complimentary Outfit]] and [Famous Cherry Soda]


A diamond is a classically hard object, which implies the phase is going to be hard, perhaps the hardest phase of Asphyxiation. We can tell how hard by looking at the [Famous Cherry Soda]. The famous cherry is Merg, who is known for his no-hit Undertale battles, so a conclusion to be made is that all of the attacks are one-hit kills and you'd need to no-hit the phase. 

[[NEO]] [IRIS]ES perhaps reference the bad time eye design used. However, the Spamton NEO eye colors have already been used in phase 12, so perhaps it's Mettaton NEO's bad time eye, or NEO could just refer to "new", which places a true restore point just before this phase. The diamond "shining" could definitely refer to an aura like phase 6 has.

Another possibility for NEO irises is that it references the way the eyes are arranged changing, perhaps including a third eye like Infinity Pain or merging the two eyes into a large eye in the center.

The phase could introduce an outfit change like the later phases of LB Inc or Freddy3000's Endless Breath, perhaps a reference to [Fresh] Sans? Overall, phase 16 is the one we have the most information about, meaning it is probably significant.

1997 is simply a recurring number with Spamton. 

For phase 17:

[Through the blood and chaos]

THE FINAL ITEM ON [[The Soups of The Day]] IS A

[[Entry Number 17]]

I GET TO [Break A Leg] AND YOU GET [Expedited Access] TO [[[355687428096000]]]

[Through the blood and chaos] is obviously a reference to fanon phase 17, which is called The Blood and Chaos, so perhaps we could see some design similarities? It also calls into question Big Pain Ass given the possible restore point in the prior phase or the phase before. 355687428096000 is 17 factorial. 

The Soups of the Day gives me the image of Sans melting like in ITTR phase 17 and such. This is also likely a Gaster-heavy phase given the Entry Number 17 (which, in the original text, goes on to list the text of Entry 17, though note that it says WILL BE instead of SEEMS).

- Vector
